Marketing your wedding venue is essential if you want to gain quality inquiries through social media, websites, directories, or your own site. Dedicating time and money will bring potential leads. There may be ways your wedding venue can improve its processes to ensure that you’re getting high-quality leads, among the best of them is Pay-Per-Click Advertising.
There are many options available when it comes to marketing venues. You can advertise through social media, print ads, online ads, flyers, direct mailers, and even word of mouth. You can create an online presence through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. These platforms allow you to share photos and videos of your venue and connect with potential clients. If you're looking for something more targeted, consider using Google Ads, Bing Ads, or other paid search advertising options. These put you at the top of their search results, giving you immediate access to thousands of users looking for wedding venues. You’re going to want to create targeted Facebook, Instagram and Google ads for wedding venue advertising. These platforms let you target your audience by age, gender, relationship status, location, interests, and more. You can also advertise in wedding-specific websites like The Knot, which millions of people use every year to plan their weddings, so creating an ad campaign to reach couples can go a very long way.Facebook’s ad manager is a powerful tool that allows you to target both Facebook and Instagram users. It allows you to choose who sees your ad based off of geotargeting, income, age, and other criteria.
Managed Campaigns and Crafted Content to increase your traffic and Designed Landing Pages to help you convert. Are you ready to take your business to the next level?
SEO can place you at the top of Google’s rankings.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important part of any online marketing strategy. SEO is all about getting found on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Knowing that SEO is a key factor in driving traffic to your website is great because it gives us an idea of what needs to be done to get results. Having a website that's easy for visitors to navigate isn't enough - you need to make sure that it's also easy to find. When someone types in a keyword related to your business, they expect to see your site come up as the first result. If you aren’t ranking well, then you may not be generating enough leads.It’s ok to target keyword searches related to the location of your venue such as, “Houston event venue”, “Houston wedding venue”, ‘Houston meeting venue”, etc. But consider targeting terms that are less competitive. Focus on keywords that have low competition and high search volume.
These are the ones that get the least amount of search volume, but still have a lot of potential. Long-tail keywords are usually very specific and are often related to your niche. For example, if you sell dog toys, then ‘dog toy’ might be a long-tail keyword. They are usually 3-4 words long and more specific than your usual keywords. Long-tail keywords are an invaluable resource for finding customers who are closer to the point of conversion. Say someone has their mind set on an outdoor wedding, it would help to rank for “outdoor wedding venues” or “wedding venues with outdoor space”. This person is looking for something more specific, making it easier to rank for.
Organic search results are what someone sees when they type in a word or phrase directly into Google. Use keyword research tools, like Google Keyword Planner, available online to discover keywords that will help you rank higher in search results. Use the keywords that your ideal customer searches for. Google Keyword Planner can help you to tailor both your ads and SEO strategy!
Make sure you track your keywords over time to see if there is any change in your ranking. If you notice that your rankings are improving, then you should keep doing what you are doing!
Your website should be the central hub for all of your marketing efforts. It should clearly display all of your services, and those services should be easy to understand. Let's use The Hotel Biltmore in Miami, Florida as an example. The site features six main sections: hotel, rooms and suites, places to eat, things to do, events, and weddings. Right away, visitors are made aware of the hotels' offerings. The use of “weddings” instead of a separate section for “Weddings”, followed by a sub-section titled “Wedding Services”, for example, eliminates the need for any additional navigational elements.Biltmore Hotel’s website is an excellent example of optimization
Once landing at the wedding website, users are greeted with a wealth of information about the hotel's wedding packages. There's a short summary of the hotel's wedding services, a button to request a proposal, a few images, and videos from past weddings, and links to other pages to get more information.Furthermore, make sure your site is optimized for mobile. You can do this by using responsive design. Responsive design allows your site to adjust its layout automatically depending on the device it is viewed on. This means that if someone visits your site on a phone, tablet, or laptop, they will have the same experience. If you want to optimize your site for mobile users, you should also add a mobile version of your site.Lastly, consider micro conversion - how you can capture your visitor’s information even if they are not ready to submit an inquiry. You can do this by using an email opt-in form. An opt-in form allows you to collect information from your website visitors. For example, you could ask them if they like what they see on your site, or if they'd like to receive emails from you. If they click "yes" on your opt-in form, they'll automatically become a member of your email list.
Revamp your wedding venue marketing today!We craft marketing systems that help businesses grow. We partner with small businesses looking to increase sales with web design, ad management, and SEO to create complete campaigns that grow your business.For more wedding venue advice, check out our blog posts about tips and tricks for running your own successful wedding venue. We also offer free marketing advice every month through our newsletter.